Category Archives: Mindfulness

Stop comparing yourself to others

stop comparing yourself to others man with a stop sign

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Stop comparing yourself to others. Life is yours to live the way you desire. The grass is not always going to be greener on the other side of the fence. Just be your authentic self. Those people you are comparing yourself to are probably comparing themselves to someone else because […]

What are your core values?

What are your Values?

What are your core values? Think about your core values. Trust, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, sharing, humility, charity and the list may go on. What are your core values? How closely are you incorporating these core values and beliefs into your life? Are your thoughts, actions and behaviours aligned with your values? Can you see places […]

What if I asked myself What If?

what if I ask myself what if?

What if I asked myself What if? Take a moment to think ‘What if asked myself What if?’ and start to think how you can make this your new reality. You do not need permission or acceptance from anyone else  to follow your dreams. Not from your friends, family or work colleagues. How many times […]

Taking control of worry

taking control of worry - man worrying

Taking control of worry Worry, feeling anxious or having a little self doubt are perfectly normal. We all feel those butterflies in our tummy before we embark upon something challenging or that holds importance to us. Job interviews, first dates or the anticipation of a rollercoaster ride will all potentially cause you to have a […]

Six tips for getting a good night’s sleep

six tips for a good nights sleep

Six tips for getting a good night’s sleep Often we are waking up feeling just as tired as we were when we went to bed. We all need to get good sleep for our physical and mental health, but many of us are having trouble in this area. Poor sleep can lead to many problems; […]

How Do I Boost My Self Confidence?

I believe in me

How Do I Boost My Self Confidence? How do you view yourself? How do you think others view you? Having good self-esteem is something that many of us hear about and the goal in life that will seemingly make you happy.  We all have our moments when we feel great, on top of the world […]

What Does Love Mean To You?

the word love in blocks

What does the word love mean for you? Maybe it evokes the typical red heart, cupid arrow shooting character Valentine’s Day like rituals we have been taught by Hollywood and corporate business to associate with the word. But is this really what love means for you? Think more of your partner, your best friend, family […]