Category Archives: Personal growth

Stop comparing yourself to others

stop comparing yourself to others man with a stop sign

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Stop comparing yourself to others. Life is yours to live the way you desire. The grass is not always going to be greener on the other side of the fence. Just be your authentic self. Those people you are comparing yourself to are probably comparing themselves to someone else because […]

What are your core values?

What are your Values?

What are your core values? Think about your core values. Trust, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, sharing, humility, charity and the list may go on. What are your core values? How closely are you incorporating these core values and beliefs into your life? Are your thoughts, actions and behaviours aligned with your values? Can you see places […]

Winter Solstice Full Moon –  The Cold Moon

woman sprinkiling stars in front of moon

Winter Solstice Full Moon –  The Cold Moon This week we are celebrating both the Winter Solstice  –  the shortest daylight hours in one day – and also the Full Moon.  This month’s full moon falls into the area of Capricorn. Many see the winter solstice as the turning point for the year. The beginning […]